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Rent Agreement Format (Download)

Rent Agreement Format in Word
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This Rent Agreement is executed on 06th Day of MXX 2018 between Sh. Axxx GxxxA s/o Sh Nxxx Kxxxx R/o Village & Post Office Gxxxx, Sxxxx (Haryana)-122103  (Here in after called the 1st party)

TXXXXXT IXXXA Through its Proprietor Sh. SXXXX CXXXXX   S/o Sh. Jxxxxxx Pxxxxx Cxxxxxx , R/o Nxxxx Sxxxxx Axxx Cxxxxx, Wxxxx No. 13, Sxxxx (Haryana) - 122103  (Here in after called the 2nd party / tenant).

WHEREAS the 1st party is the true owner of the property situated at Plot No. xxx, Gali No. x, Bxxx Ixxxxxxx Axxx, Gurugram (Haryana)-122001  

WHEREAS the second party is desirous of taking on lease said property from the first party upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned:-

Now these presents’ witnesses as under: -

1. That the tenancy of the above premises shall commence from 28th Day of February 2018  for a period of 11 Months from the date of tenancy.
2. That the second party shall pay the monthly rent of Rs. 7000/- (Rupees Seven thousand only) to the first party on or before 10th day of each English calendar month.
3. That the electricity, water & sewerage charges & all other charges incidental or ancillary thereto will be paid by the 1st  party to the concerned authorities.
4. That the tenancy may be renewed with the mutual consent of both the parties and the rent will be increased 10% per annum.
5. That the tenancy may be terminated after giving one month notice by either of the Parties.
6. That the second party shall have no right; to make any addition; alteration in it without the written permission from the first party.
7. That the second party shall have no right to let out the whole or part of tenancy premises to any other person.
8. That the above said property is only for Commercial Purpose.

 In witness where of we have signed on the said agreement, on the date, month and year mentioned above in the presence of the witnesses. 

1.                                                                                                                                                                             Signature of the 1st party
                                                                                                                       (Axxx GxxxA)

2.                                                                                                                                                                        Signature of the second party
                                       (SXXXX CXXXXX)          


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